- At his monastery Rimpoche studied Dri Log Yonten- basic literacy (reading and writing skills) under the tutelage of Lopen Pema Wangchuk who was a disciple of his predecessor. When he attained the age of twelve, Lama Sonam Zangpo introduced him to His Eminence the First Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche in Darjeeling where he later studied for ten years.
- During his ten years’ stay in Darjeeling, Rimpoche had completed all monastic vows like “Gaygnoen”, “Gaytshel”, “Gaylong Ngyenzhog” Dompas (vows).
- His Eminence received “Wang Lung Thri Sum” from His Eminence Thuksey Rinpoche. Received indispensable teachings from Khenpo Noryang and Khenpo Ngawang Choeda.
- In general, he finished both “Rigney” and “Zhung” from the monastery and especially specialized “Theysum”-Hearing & Visualization in Sga-ngak, Kerim, Zogrim, Tseychen and cheydruk.
- At age twenty three, H.E. Gyetshen Trulku received both Wang Lung Thrisum of Sarma as well as Nyingma from Lam Sonam Zangpo and completed a complete set of teachings especially like”Chagchen”, “Cheydruk, and “Ro-nyam” etc.. mainly originating from Drubwang Shakya Shri. He had also successfully completed 5 years of Ngondro and Menthri.
- He also mastered in the Kerim of both Tsasum as well as Zogrim.
- Took refuge in Je-Khenpo Kinley of Bhutan as his root guru and received the complete wang lung Thrisum of Lama, Yidham, Khandro, Choechong and finished Kerim Thri of Zogchen, Longchen Nyingthig, Cheytsen Nyingthig and Nyondro etc.
- Till now Rimpoche has received teachings and blessings from about five enlightened spiritual
- Masters /Lamas and twenty teachers on about 300 volumes of Buddhist teachings.
- He has constructed about 166 houses for Buddhist practitioners.
- He has been guiding and training about 185 practitioners, including 55 nuns, in the monasteries and meditation centres in five eastern Dzongkhags.
- He has established nine Meditation centers including three for Nuns in five different Dzongkhags.
- About 200 people have undergone meditation under his guidance and presently about 76 practitioners are undergoing meditations for years ranging from three to nine.
- In the nine meditation centers, there are nine meditation masters and nine assistants.
- He has also recently established a centre at Thimphu for performing ritual activities of the public by followers who have undergone meditations for three to nine years.
- And importantly, he has established “Ngadrak Lobdra” at Khurizampa, Mongar, Eastern Bhutan to give teachings, blessings and initiations before the students undergo the meditation in the meditation centres.
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