As a human being we need to have being benefited from activities we do in our life. In our everyday life everyone has a desire to live, desires to be proud, desires and activities to live happily and earn to eat and drink. We earn to support our families, provide better life for growing generations. Of course scientifically all animals know how to survive and live the lives. But we humans have extra vigilance and born with extra sense where we can talk and know many languages. We have the power to think what is good and bad. We have sense to feel what is this and that. Humans therefore have a specific character. Therefore we humans need to learn to have extra benefit from this sense and achieve a better compliance in our life.
By Majority we humans are busy with worldly activities based on one’s desire, capabilities, power and skill according to the level of their activities. Everybody wants their child to be educated. Everyone wants to see a better world being rich and being possessed in their authorities. We educate, join college, graduate and we study so hard to get a better job and a secured position. That is where a virtuous action comes into figure. Some may become more successful through one’s own wish and one’s own job and possibly after 20 years we may have a happier life with more resources. It depends on how the one’s work and position follows. If we have a pure and sincere mind in all the works then of course there would be a benefit which is called the virtuous action. We are human and mistake never leaves us apart. There are some who have the qualities and qualification to do the activity but with ego, arrogance, pride, jealousy or disturb mind they cannot be a successful employee or a human in life or which doesn’t benefit in their lives. Whatever worldly work we do, whether good or bad, they are not permanent. We really cannot rely on these works for lifetime.
And there is another way we are being distracted by this world. Just have a little happiness and then we are distracted from enjoying our life, going for a party, go to resturants and get ourselves lost in this worldly matters. We have a happy life with our family experiencing the world. If you do not get a chance or miss the chance you regret " Oh god I missed the party, I missed the function, I missed the game" and easily gets upset..... I should have been there, i should have done that. But do we take a single time to look to ourselves and think am I born for that!! Each and every moment that we have is all impermanent. Each moment of our lives are becoming older and older. We are getting nearer to death. If you enjoy for an hour, that is one hour closer to death. You sit idle for an hour but still you are closer to death. You eat an hour and still you are getting closer to death. You do something and still you are closer to death. You are always getting nearer and nearer to death no matter what you do. Death is uncertain and by that time we wont be able to take anything with us. What can you carry with you? You cannot packup like when you get divorce or mad with your friends and family. When death comes you cannot do that. Even Micheal Jackson, His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu, The king, even Lord Buddha cannot take anything of their belongings or you cannot even make a phone call: "I am coming very soon, Please reserve a place for me!". We need to realize what life actually means and to understand the fault of samsara.
Many of us look for our own benefits and take more consideration into one self. The result is we are recycled over and over which is called the SAMSARA.
We really don’t know how many times we have changed our lives in this world or no one can find out how long we have been drifting about in samsara. We are always reborn in the same world in many forms and in this samsara. One time we may fulfill our desires and wishes and sometimes we couldn’t. Maybe while we are born we would have been so innocent but from the time we know we are human, we have always being busy with our worldly activities and thinking about how to benefit ourselves and how can we be happy in our life. By six we would have been enrolled in schools, and by twenty a graduation. By 25 marriage and then child and after that everyone’s life changes for a better living and thoughts for to be better, successful and more happy. Then a Car, A house, Land and the desires goes on. In Buddhism we say “Humans are never satisfied of their desires even if rain turns into gold and falls. Is there anyone who does not wish to earn money or be happy in their lives?
Whatever we do, what ever we have in this life time is mainly based on our faith-the karma, the action of what we have done in our previous life. One cannot fulfill one’s wish immediately because of the Law of Karma. We are not available to understand the problems, the causes and conditions which are all based on the Law of Karma. Why is that so? It is because of our obscuration and ignorance that we do not have any clear understanding about the causes. I would ask you… Do you really know what is Dharma, Enlightenment or the teachings! Many of us really don’t have any idea about this. We cannot follow the teachings of Dharma because of so called the worldly activities. Even if we attain the teachings, learn through explanations or refer the dharma teachings, we might take it as myths. And therefore we can’t truly accept them or believe in absolute reality. Everything is based on Law of Karma,- The past, Present and Future.
The samsaric sufferings are the result of non-virtuous action of Body, speech and mind. At present, a person having short life would be the cause of his previous karma for killing or negative actions and in future he/she maybe born in hell where he/she would suffer the result of present. Born as poor in life time is the fruit of being a robbery or stealing in previous life. And our families being not in harmony, sufferings, and quarrels are the result of physical body’s negative actions. These are the Three negativities of Body- (Sok choepa, Majinpa Lenpa, Metshang Choepa). Similarly we have Four negativities of Speech:- Lies, interferences, harsh words and Gossip ( Zuen, Thrama, Tsig tsub, Ngak chel). The results of this negativities are such that no one seems to listen to you, people don’t believe what ever one tells. Sometimes when one tries to say something good or important it will turn out to others as harm. Another negativity is the Three Mind negativities:- Greediness, Thoughts of harming others, and wrong views(Napsem, noesem, lokta). The unsuccessful life is the result of this negativities, not able to live with friends or families, experiencing harms.
Trying to avoid these Ten Negativities action and train ourselves to mind stream of spiritual path will help us understand the actions based on Body, Speech and Mind. It is very important to try to benefit others and have kindness towards everybody and help everyone in trouble. Some more training to get out of samsara would be the Boddhi Chhita (Loving-kindness). Training the Mind with “I”, Understanding Mind, learning the idea of Emptiness and meditation.